Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sell Fine Art Online - Part 10: Blogging

Fine Art Websites
Blogging is a great way to help promote and sell your artwork online. Unfortunately, most artists I talk to about blogging absolutely despise the idea. They perceive blogging as a venue for angry teenagers. The truth is, while angry teens may use blogs for venting, blogs are a very useful marketing tool and here's why:
  1. Search engines love blogs.
  2. Blogs are easy to setup and easy to manage.
  3. Some art collectors actually enjoy reading blogs, plus they can subscribe to blogs.
  4. Blogs are FREE!
Search engines love blogs because blogs typically provide fresh and relevant content. Every time you create a post on your blog, you can include some kind of a link back to your artist website. Back links are great for search engine optimization. Everything time you link from your already SEO friendly blog back to your website, you're actually helping your website get indexed by search engines.

You want to be careful not to over do it. If you intentionally flood your blog and website with links you can actually hurt your SEO results. Simply add a link when it's relevant and you should be fine. If you're posting about a new piece of artwork you just released, add a link from your blog to that piece of artwork on your website.

In this day and age, blogs are really simple to set up and easy-to-manage. This blog is actually powered by a Google blogging platform called Blogger. I prefer Blogger for most of my blogs, but Tumblr is another excellent choice as well.

Some people actually enjoy reading a blog over visiting a normal website. Just like search engines, people want to read the latest and greatest news. Normally the most currently information is right there at the top of the homepage.

For those people who enjoy reading blogs, they can actually subscribe to your blog. Depending on your settings and the settings of their subscription, every time you create a new post, they will be notified. This keeps people coming back for more which is huge.

Finally, it's free! Should I explain how this is a good thing? Well I'm not going to.

When it comes to blogging, especially for those who aren't overly exciting about the idea, treat your blog like a news post.
  • If you have a new release, post a picture of the image with a brief description. Be sure to include links to your actual website where they can learn more about the piece and even purchase if they want to.
  • If you have an upcoming art show, create a post that lets people know about it. Once again, include a link back to your website — preferably to a news page or events page. Then when the show is over, create a new post on your blog that talks about home much of a success the show was, how fun it was. Include pictures from the show.
  • If your artwork gets accepted into a museum or show of some sort, blog about it. Include relevant links and pictures.
Blog posts don't have to be long, maybe just a few sentences to a couple paragraphs.

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